1) Infant Feeding
% Of infant feeding status (i.e. breast fed or artificial feeding) recorded as % total of 6/8 week checks
2) Smoking in Pregnancy
% Of pregnant women recorded as smoker, smoking discussed, referred to stop smoking services
3) Health Checks
% Eligible population offered a health check
4) Alcohol
% Of adult population screened for alcohol use using audit-c and where over 15 referred to specialist service if appropriate
5) Over 65 Medication Review
Percentage of over 65’s on four or more medications receiving six monthly medication review
6) Practice Opening Hours
Practice is open at least 52.5 hours per week and able to take calls over lunch time
7) Clinical Availability
Clinical appointments available total at least 16.5 hours per 1000 patients per month
8) Patient Participation Group
Patients have influenced service redesign through the practice ppg, been involved in discussions with the practice about the development of key performance indicators. Practice to publish kpi’s in surgery waiting room and on practice website and to engage the ppg in monitoring its kpi achievement
9) 15 minute Appointment Times
Practice offers 15 minute appointment times for routine booked appointments
10) Diabetes Care 1 – Year of Care
Practice to offer “gold standard” diabetic year of care treatment to all patients with type 2 diabetes. With this method of management all type 2 diabetics should expect to receive the 15 diabetes uk expectations of care (as apppropriate)
11) Patient Educational Sessions
Practice to offer six meetings per annum on a specific topic facilitated by members of the practice and others, on topics such as obesity, smoking, diabetes, ramandan, mental health, copd etc
Practices should work in networks where possible, opening the sessions to neighbouring practices. Patient feedback forms on the sessions must be collected to determine their views on the session and what they would do differently as a result